Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today in class we were learning more about the ancient Greeks. I learned about Socrates who was one of the best known even to this day philosophers and did a lot to increase the spread of the Greek way and civilization. Also, there were many other icons that helped the Greeks. They all worked to build the Parthenon that was located on the acropolis (a large raised piece of land) so they could see invaders. They developed a great military tactic and were able to defeat many other armies twice and three times the size and sometimes even the ability of them. One of the things that was difficult for them was their location because 3/4 of their land is covered by mountains, so they divided into small nations which they called city states.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today in class i had to make up a test that i missed on Monday when I was sick. On the test we were allowed to use our books because Mr. Schick did not want the people who took it Monday to go on different websites and cheat while he was not there and there was a sub. On the test, we had to know about the different civilizations in and around Greece. Also, we had to know about the types of government including monarchy, oligarchy, and others. Then, I had to know about the seas that surround Greece, the Aegean and Ionian and that they empty out into the Mediterranean sea. Mediterranean back then originally meant middle because they believed it was located in the middle of the world. It is close, but not directly in the middle, but its the best they could do because they were not very advanced in the science field of study yet.

Monday, February 25, 2013


I was not in class today because i was sick.

Class today

Today in class we took a couple more notes. Here are some of the notes i took in class today:
- Athens had an Oligarchy type of government.
- Athens grew to be very wealthy and powerful because of trading routes.
- Made wine, olive oil, weapons, pottery, and had jobs like metal workers and silver smiths.
- Standard of living goes up with wealth and population began to rise higher then ever before because people had enough money to raise a family now and pay for it.
- Aristocrats- People who own land.
- Demos- Middle class workers, usually for the aristocrats, sort of like slaves.
- Political power extended to all male citizens creating democracy.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in class we went over Sparta and Athens. Here are some of the note i took during our class time today:
- Hoplites are soldiers in the Greek society.
- Learned how to march in efficient lines so they could be successful in military combat.
- Usually 150 people in each line.
- 3 kinds of government:
Monarchy- kings rule. sons take over.
Oligarchy- group of people in charged.
Tyranny- Ruled by a dictator.
Democracy- Ruled by a majority of the male population. They voted.
- Sparta were isolationist.
- A dictator was usually pretty mean.
- Agora- a place where everyone meets to make new laws.
- Sparta was a Oligarchy.
- Laconia- Peloponnese
- Thus the Sparta government was a leading example of Oligarchy.
- Spartan male life was dictated entirely to the service of the state.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mr. Schicks boring lecture.

Today in class Mr. Schick taught us again, and then Ben taught us the other half of class. It was a double mod, so we got a lot done because there was a lot of time. Here are some of the notes I took in class today:
- By 4000 B.C farming and village life has spread through Europe.
- The European barbarians eventually had become the Greeks.
- Around 800 B.C the Greeks had just started civilizing themselves.
- We go by the Greek calendar, but the Jewish people still go  by their own calendar.
- Languages evolving turned into Greek and Latin.
- farming, metalwork, trade, and warfare are what the people did.
- Greek civilizations was the first to evolve in Europe.
- Greeks were considered Western.
- Minoans drew wealth from the seas and trade with Mediterranean lands, especially Egypt.
- Minoans located on the island of Crete.
- Commerce= trade.
- colonies made for trading.
- Greeks and Phonecians lead commercial  and sea faring nation.

LO-1 blog

Barbarian- A person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person. (war like and aggressive)
Megalithic- A stone of great size, especially in ancient construction work.
Tribe- a division of some other people.
Indo- European- A large, widespread family of languages.
Western- directed or proceeding toward the west.

     The Greeks had started out their civilization like those of the barbarians. Their lives factored around things such as warfare and protecting themselves, and also farming so they could feed the large amount of people they had. The Greeks advanced because they went to other advanced civilizations and learned things from them. They encountered those of the Asia minor, Mesopotamia, and even Egypt all of which have become very successful at this time. Lands were shared between civilizations by the Mediterranean, which forced the civilization to communicate with one another. Italy were the most innovators of warfare, and competed to be the best at what they did. Since Greece was so barbaric, they fought to get control over the most they possible could. It took civilization to spread up until the rise of the Persian empire. Besides the western hemisphere, all of the other regions of the world were still living in prehistoric villages and lifestyles. Europeans used megalithic structures, so it would take more to defeat them, because they were for ceremonies and monuments for people of importance. Stonehenge was a  very impressive structure built, made up of 160 boulders and each of them weighing 50 tons each. Migrations of the Indo- Europeans caused the Barbarians to have a distinctive way of life. from 2500 B.C on people from Europe were starting to move into Asia minor and even Persia. The languages spoke here came from bases of Latin and Greek, and even today, we can realize just how many of these languages evolved from Latin because words are similar or easy to guess in the languages. They had a different type of way to remember those of their family who had died. They worshiped the God's of fatherhood, thunder, metalworking, and war. Tribes had chiefs so they could be run. All the people of the tribe shared common beliefs, and this was a place for them to get together with people like them. The Aegean encounter was when all the people along the Mediterranean sea were selling and trading many different things. Greek culture was influenced heavily by surrounding areas and civilizations that brought new ideas to them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Today in class some of the groups began to present their power points that we have been working on for a while during class and a little bit for homework. The groups that went today were covering everything from the Geography of Greece, to the dark ages, and even the Peloponnese wars. The geography of Greece was rigid and made it pretty difficult to unite all of the parts of Greece together. The Mycenaean were so successful because they controlled all trade along the Mediterranean.  They called the sea that, because they believed it was in the middle of the world. Therefore it means middle. The Mycenaeans eventually go on and beat many other civilizations making them less of a threat to others. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

day 2 of power point

Today in class we were still working on power points on Google drive we have been working on today and yesterday. Me and Mary got very far, and Mr. Schick told us we did a very good job so far. Then i found out that I was doing all the wrong information because I was doing all of the notes from LO2 chapter 2, in stead of LO2 chapter 1. After that we got a a short break and i went out and talked to friends. Then we came back and began to work again. This is when i fixed my work from the wrong LO2. Mr. Schick helped me and Mary get all caught up again.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today in class we had a double mod and Mr. Schick was not there. During both of the mods we worked on the power points we had started. Me and Mary split up the work and she started her writing and power point pages on LO1 and i started the geography page. I got a lot of work done and learned some new things about the ancient Greek geography. Like the way it was so hard to unite them because there is a mountain range that runs right down the center of Greece and the oceans and seas around it made it hard for them to be connected.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ancient Greece. 2200 B.C- 400 B.C

Today in class we started learning about Greece. Here are some of the notes I took in class:

  • The acropolis- Rock outcropping which  was the highest point in Athens, Greece. 
  • Can see everything from the top of the acropolis. 
  • Parthenon is built on the acropolis. 
  • 3500 B.C- Megalithic structures constructed in Europe. 
  •  2500 B.C- Indo- European nomads from the steppes migrate into Europe; European barbarians (war like) way of life evolves.
  • 1600 B.C- Greek fortified settlements along the Aegean develop Mycenaean civilizations. 
  • Barbarians lived in tribes. Indo- Europeans descent who eventually came into contact with the civilizations of the east. 
  • Stone hedge, in England, was built with massive stone boulders and arranged according to solar and lunar cycles. 
  • organized enough to establish cultural rituals and built megaliths. 

                                                         GREECE GEOGRAPHY:

  • Mountainous Peninsula. 
  • Mountains cover 3/4.
  • Approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. 
  • Location shaped it's culture. 
  • Skilled sailors. 
  • Poor natural resources.
  • Difficult to unite the Greeks because of the terrain; Developed small, independent communities.
  • The sea between Greece and Turkey is the Aegean Sea. The sea between Italy and Greece is the Ionian Sea. Crete was one of the islands. 
  • Both emptied out into the Mediterranean Sea. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Today we had a short class due to the two hour delay in the morning. But during the class time, we took the chapter one test on all of the material we have covered in this course today. The test covered LO1 and LO3, the Egyptians and early human life along with the evolution of humans. The test was harder then most of them have been in Mr. Schick's class. It was nice we got to use our blogs though.  I learned the importance of keeping a good blog. Because if my blog is good, then most of the answers to the test and quizzes come right from the notes. So if i add my notes to my blog, it would lead to more success in the future for me.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Land of the Pharaoh's

Today in class we went over a power point and took notes. Here are some of my notes from class today:

Nile and Two lands. 
- Upper Egypt was 500 miles long of fertile soil. (SOUTH)
- Lower Egypt was wide land of Nile Delta, leading into the Mediterranean. (NORTH)
- Nile was a major provider of life.
- Around 3100 B.C. the two lands were united under a single kind or Pharaoh.

- Pharaoh was top and got worshiped by the people.
- Harmony balance, which they called "maat," never usually happened.
- Pharaoh had multiple wives.
- Women could inherit money and land and divorce their husband. Though only a tiny few ever wielded real political power.

God's, Human's, Everlasting life. 
Gods were often portrayed with animal heads or bodies.
- Believed in after life --> Pharaohs and the rick got mummified.
- Purpose of mummification was to preserve body after life.
- All souls were send to paradise or jaws of a monster.

- Papyrus, the prosecutor to paper, was stored in scrolls and these scrolls were the books of ancient Egypt.
-  Hieratics were the writing.

Calendars and Sailboats.
- Egyptian astronomers created the first 365 day calendar and included seasons in it.
- Doctors began to make medicine to cure illness.
- Wooden sailboats were made to increase transport ability on the Nile.

Pyramids and Temples.
- Pyramids were stone tombs.
- Marble stone was used to build.
- Temple of Amon at Karnak is the largest religious building in the world.
- Stone sculptures and interior paintings were in profile and without perspective.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today in class we were building a pyramid on some website. IT WAS TERRIBLE. This should be used as a punishment, not as a assignment. It was worse then going to jail. Mr. Schick should give everyone medicine so they don't get as bad of a headache while doing this as i got. I felt terrible for the rest of the day because of this assignment. When i found out i had to do it for homework i got upset because that would have meant staying up really late doing that and i would have failed the entire time anyway and then i would have cried myself to sleep. I got so mad during class having to do that. I just wanted to take notes i would have much rather than do that. Or be absent would have been fun also. But i would recommend NEVER doing this assignment again for future classes.