Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in class we went over Sparta and Athens. Here are some of the note i took during our class time today:
- Hoplites are soldiers in the Greek society.
- Learned how to march in efficient lines so they could be successful in military combat.
- Usually 150 people in each line.
- 3 kinds of government:
Monarchy- kings rule. sons take over.
Oligarchy- group of people in charged.
Tyranny- Ruled by a dictator.
Democracy- Ruled by a majority of the male population. They voted.
- Sparta were isolationist.
- A dictator was usually pretty mean.
- Agora- a place where everyone meets to make new laws.
- Sparta was a Oligarchy.
- Laconia- Peloponnese
- Thus the Sparta government was a leading example of Oligarchy.
- Spartan male life was dictated entirely to the service of the state.

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