Wednesday, January 30, 2013

LO3 notes

  • Egyptian civilization was more stable than that of Mesopotamia. 
  • Usually there was no war, but occasionally there were times of trouble that called for invigorating trouble.
  • the traditions of Egyptian civilizations became so strong that they flourished even in the last thousand years.
  • The pallet was used for grinding makeup for divine images in in an upper Egyptian temple about 310 B.C
  • These civilizations grew up in thin strips of fertile land when the Nile crosses the north African desert.
  • The Egyptians, like other polytheistic peoples, recognized no hard- and- fast boundary between humans and gods.
  • Pharaoh was to be obeyed as man given power by God's.
  • Pharaoh was known as 3 people: sun- God Re, the king of all other God's and Goddess, and Horus. 
  • Women close to the Pharaoh had a touch of divinity. 
  • It was first believed that the Pharaoh was immortal.
  • soul of every single deceased person had to come before Osiris, the ruler of the under world, for judgement.
  • Hieroglyphs- the earliest Egyptian writing, comes from the Greek word sacred carvings. 
  • 3100 B.C- became part of carvings and paintings intended to honor the Pharaohs. 
  • The Egyptians were also knowledgeable in practical medicine. 
  • Understood nothings of Germs and infections and believed that sickness was caused by demons entering the body. 
  • One reason for their superiority of their medical techniques, no doubt, was the anatomical knowledge.
  • They improved water transportation along the Nile due to the help of the sailboat they began making.
  • Sailboats were made out of timber, a valuable source.
  • There temples were by far their best area of excellence.
  • about 2200 B.C a series of weak pharaohs allowed local officials to gain independent hereditary power.
  • Egypt became a province of the empire of Persia, and it was finally ruled by the Greeks in 30 B.C, it was conquered by the Romans.

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