Saturday, March 23, 2013


Today in class we begun to share out power points we have been working on. Here are some of the notes i took during class:
1. King Phillip is the father of Alexander the Great.
2. King of Macedon.
3. Lost right eye during battle.
4. Had many wives.
5. Did not get along very well with Alexander.
6. Olympia is the mother of Alexander.
7. Alexander had a better relationship with his mother then his father.
8. Married 357 B.C
9. Alexander was told to be the son of Zeus.
10. Described that moment a turning point of his divinity.
11. Thought to be the son of God,
12. Esteemed arrogance in himself, and had a lot of confidence.
13. Zeus= the god of thunder and lighting.
14. King Phillip was assassinated in the Spring of 336 B.C.
15. Killed by a young Macedon noble Persian who was King Phillips body guard responsible for the assassination.
16. Alexander was the eldest son and became king at the age of 20.
17. He defeated Thracian and others in battle, than made his way to Asia minor.
18. He had great success in conquering the Persian Empire.
19. Sent large amount of army to Persia on the Royal Road.
20. he's trying to defeat the Persian empire.
21. Stayed in Persepolis for 5 months.
22. Battle of Chaeronea, Battle of Grankus, Battle of Issus, Battle of Gaugamela.
23. Seige of tyre- sent threats and attacked.
24. Battle of Issus- Marked beginning and end of Persian power.
25. No one knows why he died.
26. India had elephants.
27. Battle of Astaphelus is where bruceaphulus died.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today in class we were working on the power points we started the other day in class. I learned a lot about Alexander the Great and the education he received. I learned that he had one tutor and then his father who was the King hired Aristotle. He taught him things like poetry, philosophy, literature, and math. His other tutor taught him things like horsemanship and war like things. King Phillip offered to help Aristotle to rebuild his hometown called  Stageria. This is what he did in return for his child's education. His teaching took place is Mieza and it was at a temple. Even after all of the stuff he did he decided to go into the war and fight for his father to try and get his city more power. They won the war and they were a large nation now.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Power point

Today in class we got assigned groups to work with to do a power point with that deals with the life of Alexander the Great. My group got assigned his early years of his life and my category I am focusing on is how he got tutored for all of his school subjects by Aristotle. Such education came with having the King as your father. His first tutor was Leonidas who tried to teach him things like math, horsemanship, and archery. However, Alexander was not a good student and Leonidas had a tough time getting him to learn. This is when Alexanders dad, King Phillip learned that he must hire a new tutor, and the new tutor was Aristotle. However between the teaching of both of his tutors he decided to rise and go into the Military and fight in a battle. Aristotle taught him for three years and taught him things like poetry, philosophy, drama, science, and even the latest political things. Alexander went on to be one of the most heroic men from a long time ago.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 5

Hellenistic era started in the 300 B.C when Greek civilization entered into a new phase. This is the era in which their was the leading international culture but their way of life was also influenced by the people the ruled over. In 359 B.C, King Phillip the second of Macedonia comes to power and moves to control Greece. He wanted to gain control of Greece city-states and Macedonia. However the people did not want that and his agents had to work to prevent the city-states from joining together and taking him over.The was was fought by two sides who had different beliefs and they were Sparta and southern Greece. Sparta was forced to make and build a navy of their own that was capable of defeating the opponent if they wanted to gain more power. People began to help Athens by donating money so they could build more triremes to defeat Sparta. Athenians were under the rule of Pericles who had a lot of skill and strategy. The Athenians tried to battle the Spartans at sea because they were more superior on land. The Athenians guarded the Spartan sea routes with their new Navy. The Spartans however still defeated Greece and Greece would return to their normal life. They still thrived, even after the terrible defeat. A kingdom of Macedonia became about. They thrived in the Middle East, more than most of the civilizations that were around at the time. City states would come to an end in Greece under their rule, and they would become united for a while.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Test review

Today we were filling in our study guides for the test on Monday.

1600 – 1200 BC- The Mycenaean civilization.
1150 – 750 BC- The Dark Ages.
776 BC- Olympic Games were formed and started.
750 – 700 BC- Homer wrote the Illiot and Odyssey.
621 BC- Draco reformed the tax code.
508 BC- Birth of the first world democracy. (Issagorus is overthrown.) Clysenese was the man ostracized and they brought him back when they throw out Issagorus.
490 BC- The Battle of Marathon. Phedippidese runs to Sparta to inform them about the invasion of Athens.
480 BC- Greeks and Persians round 2. Fight at straights of Salamis.
461 – 429 BC- The age of Pericles.
447 – 438 BC- They built the Parthenon. A billion dollar building.
431 – 404 BC- The Peloponnesian war. Athens wants to invade Sparta. Sparta wins and Athens loses and Pericles dies of the plague during the war along with his sons. 1/3 to 2/3 of the population.
399 BC- Socrates died of Hemlock poison.
336 BC- Alexander the Great started his empire.

Homer- Wrote the Illiot and the Odyssey about the Trojan war.
Odysseus- Main character in The Odyssey and fought in war. Took 10 years for him to get home.
Zeus- Greek God, the father of the Gods and was the top god.
Athena- The patron of Athens, she is a goddess of wisdom.
Pisistratus- Was a tyrant in the old sense of the world. Seized power on his own. Used regular folks as part of his political base. 
Cleisthenes- Wan an aristocrat. Was told he would be the leader of Athens and got thrown out later by another guy.
Darius (the Great)- He was the king of Persia of the time of Marathon Battle and lost.
Xerxes- The son of Darius and gained power. He burnt down the Athens acropolis and lost the second battle.
Pheidippides- Ran the Marathon and ran to Sparta to get help for the war, but got declined.
Themistocles- Built the triremes in case they attacked again.
Pericles- Aristocrat family, treated a lady equal, leader of Athens,
Aristophanes- Was a person of the red light district. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Class debate

Today in class we started off by looking at a picture from a long time ago. The scene was the room when Socrates was about the die by drinking the hemlock, and had a bunch of people gathered around him. We were talking about the stuff the artist did wrong and we were talking about what it should look like. Then we went into a class discussion. We were talking about the legalization is Marijuana. Some people were making statements that you can go to a bar and get drunk, but when you are high you are less likely to get in a car accident. Some of the states have already made these changes to their laws and are only giving it to people with a prescription  but they are easy to get so more and more people are beginning to use it wit the higher demand for legalization. Maryland has not yet legalize Marijuana but places like California and also Colorado have. I think it is a bad decision because it is forcing people to put things that are bad for them in their bodies. I think the only acception should be for those who currently have cancer they are trying to treat.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class we watched a movie. Here are some of the notes I took during the class time:
- Spartans wont he Peloponnese war.
- Hubris- Feeling like you don't need to be counted; do whatever they want.
- Athens plan to stop trade didn't work, Sparta grew their own food and stole what they needed to survive.
- Plague- Killed a third of the population of Athens.
- People killed in battle and war meant the moral was down for Athens.
- Socrates was critical about public affairs of Athens.
- He got people to think and wanted people to express an opinion.
- Knew things about the movement of the sun. Socrates made people think more reasonably and logically.
- Socrates was arrested for undermining the state religion and also for corrupting the youth.
- Socrates was stubborn.
- Thought town was lazy and needed some help and a boost forward.
- We can find ways to improve our world and exam en.
- He demanded free dinner for life for all the work he had done.
- Socrates found guilty and has a death penalty.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today in class we went over the test we took the day i was absent. We went over things like Greece's geography and how it is located on a peninsula, which means that water covers three sides of it. Also the Greeks were a little late when it came to developing, and most of the reason was due to the fact they had terrible and poor geography. Not only there water, but also 3/4 of the land that was usable and mountainous terrain. Also, the Spartans were the ones who enjoyed fighting the most. They were good at it, except for when they faced the Greeks who outnumbered them big time and still ended up winning. Lastly, we went over the Ionian and Aegean Seas and how the Greeks used them. They both emptied out into a bigger body of water called the Mediterranean sea, and they called it that because they believed it was located in the middle of the world.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in class we were still watching the movie we started many classes ago. Here are the notes I took:
- Persia is going to invade.
- 480 B.C- Phidippides.
- His quest is not for glory but instead for survival.
- Greece beat the Persia empire.
- Darius- Persian king.
- Huge cultural difference between Greeks and Persians over freedom versus slavery.
- Greeks had slaves in their society.
- Marathon is where they land, near Athens.
- Athens was a city with no Army so men had to just find weapons and fight for their freedom.
- The Athenians outnumbered 2:1.
- Phidippides ran 140 miles in 2 days.
- He ran form Athens to Sparta to inform them of the invasion and ask for help.
- Spartans knew Persians were invading Athens and chose not to help them out.
- Worlds first democracy had survived its first big test.
- Killed close to 6,000 people per day fighting.
- Themistocles- Fell on battle field at Marathon. He rose to power through democracy.
- He was the savior of his city.
- He was the first to create and use a triream.
- Had a total of 170 oars among the 2 levels of the ship.
- They are used to be successful is battle out on the sea.
- 483 B.C- Athens found riches that could make them more powerful.
- He wanted to spend this new found money on ships, instead of making the people richer.
- He was ostricised from the island, because people were afraid he would want to be a leader and was becoming too powerful.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today in class we were watching a video we started last class. Here are some of the notes I took during the class:

  •  East Mediterranean thrived off there economic power.
  • Grew from a settlement to an economic power.
  • 527 B.C- he was laid to rest in a graveyard. 
  • Hippeous took over Athens. 
  • Athenians discovered how bad Tyranny was.
  • Executed people, killed people, treated mostly all people unfairly. 
  • Rules were terrible for the Athenians. 
  • life for Cleisthenes became dangerous.
  • Ostracism-  to be expelled from your own home.
  • sent to exile, was worse to most of the people than getting killed.
  • 776 B.C- Olympic games start is Olympus, Greece.
  • was a way to show and evaluate who was better.
  • people traveled for hundreds of miles to compete in the Olympic games. 
  • to win the Olympics would be the highlight of a man's life. 
  • Isagorious- Another Greek aristocrat. 
  • Turned outside Athens to Spartans for fighting needs.
  • All rich get expelled from Greece eventually. 
  • Spartans had the most power and took over Greece.