Saturday, March 16, 2013

Test review

Today we were filling in our study guides for the test on Monday.

1600 – 1200 BC- The Mycenaean civilization.
1150 – 750 BC- The Dark Ages.
776 BC- Olympic Games were formed and started.
750 – 700 BC- Homer wrote the Illiot and Odyssey.
621 BC- Draco reformed the tax code.
508 BC- Birth of the first world democracy. (Issagorus is overthrown.) Clysenese was the man ostracized and they brought him back when they throw out Issagorus.
490 BC- The Battle of Marathon. Phedippidese runs to Sparta to inform them about the invasion of Athens.
480 BC- Greeks and Persians round 2. Fight at straights of Salamis.
461 – 429 BC- The age of Pericles.
447 – 438 BC- They built the Parthenon. A billion dollar building.
431 – 404 BC- The Peloponnesian war. Athens wants to invade Sparta. Sparta wins and Athens loses and Pericles dies of the plague during the war along with his sons. 1/3 to 2/3 of the population.
399 BC- Socrates died of Hemlock poison.
336 BC- Alexander the Great started his empire.

Homer- Wrote the Illiot and the Odyssey about the Trojan war.
Odysseus- Main character in The Odyssey and fought in war. Took 10 years for him to get home.
Zeus- Greek God, the father of the Gods and was the top god.
Athena- The patron of Athens, she is a goddess of wisdom.
Pisistratus- Was a tyrant in the old sense of the world. Seized power on his own. Used regular folks as part of his political base. 
Cleisthenes- Wan an aristocrat. Was told he would be the leader of Athens and got thrown out later by another guy.
Darius (the Great)- He was the king of Persia of the time of Marathon Battle and lost.
Xerxes- The son of Darius and gained power. He burnt down the Athens acropolis and lost the second battle.
Pheidippides- Ran the Marathon and ran to Sparta to get help for the war, but got declined.
Themistocles- Built the triremes in case they attacked again.
Pericles- Aristocrat family, treated a lady equal, leader of Athens,
Aristophanes- Was a person of the red light district. 

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