Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class we watched a movie. Here are some of the notes I took during the class time:
- Spartans wont he Peloponnese war.
- Hubris- Feeling like you don't need to be counted; do whatever they want.
- Athens plan to stop trade didn't work, Sparta grew their own food and stole what they needed to survive.
- Plague- Killed a third of the population of Athens.
- People killed in battle and war meant the moral was down for Athens.
- Socrates was critical about public affairs of Athens.
- He got people to think and wanted people to express an opinion.
- Knew things about the movement of the sun. Socrates made people think more reasonably and logically.
- Socrates was arrested for undermining the state religion and also for corrupting the youth.
- Socrates was stubborn.
- Thought town was lazy and needed some help and a boost forward.
- We can find ways to improve our world and exam en.
- He demanded free dinner for life for all the work he had done.
- Socrates found guilty and has a death penalty.

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