Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in class we were still watching the movie we started many classes ago. Here are the notes I took:
- Persia is going to invade.
- 480 B.C- Phidippides.
- His quest is not for glory but instead for survival.
- Greece beat the Persia empire.
- Darius- Persian king.
- Huge cultural difference between Greeks and Persians over freedom versus slavery.
- Greeks had slaves in their society.
- Marathon is where they land, near Athens.
- Athens was a city with no Army so men had to just find weapons and fight for their freedom.
- The Athenians outnumbered 2:1.
- Phidippides ran 140 miles in 2 days.
- He ran form Athens to Sparta to inform them of the invasion and ask for help.
- Spartans knew Persians were invading Athens and chose not to help them out.
- Worlds first democracy had survived its first big test.
- Killed close to 6,000 people per day fighting.
- Themistocles- Fell on battle field at Marathon. He rose to power through democracy.
- He was the savior of his city.
- He was the first to create and use a triream.
- Had a total of 170 oars among the 2 levels of the ship.
- They are used to be successful is battle out on the sea.
- 483 B.C- Athens found riches that could make them more powerful.
- He wanted to spend this new found money on ships, instead of making the people richer.
- He was ostricised from the island, because people were afraid he would want to be a leader and was becoming too powerful.

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