Monday, April 29, 2013


Today in class we were about to watch a movie but then Mr. Schick's computer wouldn't play sound so he got mad and left. When he came back we surprised him by hooking up another persons computer and going on with the lesson by ourselves. I learned from the movie so far that Tiberius had a son who also had the same name as him and when Tiberius left his son felt like it was his duty to carry on with what he had believed in and fought for the city of Rome. Also in a republic type of government one person could never hold enough power. Tiberius went to war with Carthage over the island of Sicily, and after the first battle Rome won because Carthage ended up surrendering. I look forward to seeing what will happen next between them. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


  • By then end of the Punic wars, Rome ruled an empire far longer than any earlier city-state
  • Citizens who lived in Rome had pretty much no voting rights. 
  • The people who served in the war now served for years at a time.
  • Those who came back often found their farms spoiled by neglect. 
  • Proletarians- mere "producers of offspring," the lowest class of Roman citizens.
  • A good social group was rising to prominence in Italy.
  • It consisted of war profiteers of various sorts-contractors in the armed forced and dealers in loot and slaves.
  • They used their money to buy ruined farms, restock them, and turn them to new purposes. 
  • 150 B.C- Slaves made up nearly 1/3 of the population of Italy.
  • In cities, slaves were secretaries and tutors.
  • Patrician families still enjoyed the highest social prestige. 
  • Cornelia- spent her life as widow after Tiberius died.
  • Noblest Romans had to scramble to make sure they got their share of spoils in the empire.
  • 'husbands divorced wives for the sake of more profitable family alliances.
  • Aristocrats and senate had little interest in finding ways to solve the republicas problems.
  • Tiberius, who was elected tribune of he people in 133 B.C, initiated to reform effort. 
  • The senate attacked him as a dangerous trouble maker. 
  • he decided to stand for reelection as a tribune. 
  • The reform movement was defeated, but for the first time, it had brought into question the traditional government system of the Republic and the power of the Senate. 
  • Soon the senate faced new challenges.
  • Soldiers proved courageous and tough.
  • Julius Caesar came from an old patrician family that had come down in the world.
  • 60 B.C- He began to collaborate with Gnaeus Pompeius. 
  • With the help of his friend Caesar won an appointment as proconsul of a providence that included southern regions of Gaul.
  • Caesar used his new powers to attack the grave problems facing Rome.
  • Caesar got assasinated. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


  • Circus Maxi mus was a huge area where chariot fights and other fights occurred.
  • "Give them bread and serve business."
  • Kept them from revolting most of the time.
  • Young men were building big houses and the others didn't.
  • Gracchus brothers: their idea- the rich who are making big amounts of money from slavery and could not spend the money they have. They have too much and the people who fought for the country have nothing.
  • The rich could give some of their land back that they brought from people.
  • As a thank you and treat them as normal human beings.
  • The rich did not like it because they would have to lose some of their land. 
  • Threw the men into the Tiber river, and was beaten to death with a chair.
  • Assembly doing battle with the senate.
  • On side of the government was arguing with the other side of the government.
  • Conquering war lands, spreading and getting bigger and better.
  • They got rid of this government after the wars and then changed the government, then the empire collapsed.
  • Americans think that we are going down the same path as Romans. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Punic wars

Today in class we took the time to watch some of our class mates present their projects. It helped me get a better understanding of what the rap Mr. Schick made was saying. During the test i can just refer back to the pictures in my head for help if i need it.

(Map of the Punic War and routes)

  • Two big islands are controlled by Carthage.
  • Carthage tries to take over Sicily.
  • Rome wins the first Punic war.
  • Massing people (men, horses, elephants) and crossed over the Alps.
  • So they didn't expect it, they tried a different route.
  • You did not know if your land would still be there when you got back. 
  • Younger men tried to take it over.
  • Felt it was their duty right as they grew up into man hood to fight for your country and what you believe in.
  • Got trained to do so from a very young age.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Today in class we broke down the lyrics to the song. Here are my notes:

  • Romans loved the way the Greek's did things.
  • Tarquin- the last king in Rome.
  • Thought to be Go's chosen people.
  • Located in a perfect location.
  • Res publica- Where the word republic comes from. Latin for the peoples job.
  • Democracy formed the senate.
  • All of them were rich and there were 300 of them and they had their own government branch and made and interpreted laws.
  • Tribunes were in the assembly.
  • At first, Rich people just decided how things were going to work. Only rich knew the laws and the punishment for breaking the laws.
  • The people demanded that the patricians came clean and told the laws or made in public, so they made the 12 tables.
  • 12 big tablets that were wood, bronze, and had the laws on them and said that could happen if they broke the rules. They were open to the public.
  • They could not argue if someone did something wrong and got punished.
  • The people don't like to get rid of their money or power. They feel like it is a right of birth.
  • Consuls- there were 2 of them. They were chosen by the senate.
  • Consuls could veto each other and they would start over and reach an agreement.
  • Consuls served a one year terms.
  • Number of representatives depended on the population of a state.
  • Reps. Only there for one year.
  • Did not have a king, they had a king.
  • President, vice president, and the cabins.
  • Can veto anything the senate or anything that comes up and they don't like.
  • Roman Legion- Military that invaded other places, won wars, and they stopped others from attacking them .
  • It was what you were supposed to do to go into the military.
  • It was expected in the society and the right thing to do.
  • Got to the point no one wanted to fight anymore, so they had to pay people to fight.
  • 12x12 people formations.
  • Used spears that were long so they could fight before they enemy was even close to them.
  • Had javelins that they could throw. Maybe 6 foot long and arrow dynamically fit for throwing accurately if they knew how.
  • Also used daggers. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Class today

Today in class we were told by Mr. Schick he is not going to grade our movies from movie maker because too many people were having problems with it. So we got the class to work on out movies if we wanted to work on them to get extra credit. Me and Mary didn't do it because out movie maker was not working right, so I looked over the lyrics and studied them. It is easier to study them then to take the time to find pictures that won't help me. For the test, we are going to have to know about the different event that happened in Rome and also the people who were a big part of Rome during the time of the rise and fall of the Roman empire in the East.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie Maker

Today in class we were working on a windows movie maker presentation to Mr. Schick's song "Rome" to another song. Mary and I were partners and we were working in class to learn how to use movie maker. Then, we didn't have iTunes  so we had to download it so we could get the song onto the movie maker. This took most of the class to figure this out, then we had to start to find pictures to go along to the lyrics. We started with the first part that had Etruscan and the Greeks and showed a map with the locations of where they were both located so you can see how close they are in distance. Then it said the Latins were number one, so we found a picture of Sponge bob when he felt like he was number one with a hat. Then the bell rang, so Mary was going to ask her sister how to work movie maker so we can work on it faster in class on Wednesday.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Today in class we are working on LO2. Here are my notes:
  • The Romans were above all a military people, patriotic farmers, soldiers.
  • Once they made a home they wanted to make allies with other places.
  • They were generous with their treatment of defeated enemies. 
  • Tightened their control over the Italian peninsula by creating a network of colonies. 
  • Roman colonist enjoyed rights of citizenship that were almost equal to those of citizens who lived in Rome itself.

The Punic wars:
  • Most non- Romans in Italy gained Roman citizenship.
  • 250 B.C- All of Italy south of the River Po was in Roman hands.
  • Carthage came into Rome and created a collision.
  • 700 B.C- Carthage founded by Phoenician colonist.
  • They were a oligarchy empire. 
  • Sicily had been fighting with Carthage for a while to gain control of the island they are located on. 
  • The Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in three vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C.
  • The first time they fought, Rome was about to force Carthage out of Sicily.
  • Fearing a Carthaginian revival, Rome had provoked a third war in 146 B.C.
  • They decided the city was going to be leveled and all of the people there were going to be sent into slavery.

  • Former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman provinces. 
  • after Augustus in 27 B.C, the provinces began to share in the benefits of Roman order. 
  • Romans had unified most of Italy after the Punic Wars were over with.
  • Right after Rome defeated Carthage, Rome began to look on the eastern Mediterranean to gain even more land territory.
  • 200 B.C- ambassadors from various Greek city-states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting the king of Macedonia, even though he had been allies with Carthage before the fighting broke out.
  • Romans became supreme in the region around late first century B.C.
  • From Gibraltar to Jerusalem fell the shadow of the might Rome.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today in class we worked on a Pixton comic. Mary and I were working together. We were learning about Remus and Romulus and they were brothers. When they were younger their parents left them in a remote area somewhere because they did not care about them and could not take care of them. Later on they were placed into a basket and they floated down the River Timber. After being floated down the river for a while, a Shepherd eventually found them and she nursed them for a while so they could live. Then, they eventually went off on their own and founded the city of Rome. Romulus killed Remus on the way because he wanted to be the founder. Rome may have been given it's name because it was named after him. Some people think Rome was founded another way, but this is the story that most people heard and believe to be true. Here is the link to our pixton we worked on today:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today Mr. Schick did a wrap and then we went over notes. Here are some of the notes I added but did not have:
  • Liked doing things the way ancient Greeks did.
  • Mediterranean means middle of the Earth. 
  • believed that was the world, and did not know anything else was in the world, no other land masses. 
  • Gods had chosen them to have a perfect land area.
  • 3 people who settled Italian peninsula- Etruscan, Greeks, Latins.
  • Our language descends from the Greeks who went off the Latin.
  • Improved the government and welfare of the Greek society.
  • Government started out as a monarchy, but wanted a democracy. 
  • The monarchy had kings.
  • The senate comes from sen ex which means old men, who also ran things. 
  • If kind died, senate would meet and decide who was going to be the king next.
  • Might not have been someone related to the king.
  • Res publica- means the peoples business. 
  • The patrician's were sort of like the founding fathers. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rome LO1

Key terms:
1. Augustus Caesar- Managed to turn military rule into a workable system of government by one man.(Commander.)
2. Patricians- Upper class citizens who belong to the oldest noblest Roman families.
3. Republic- In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision- making power was shared between the senate and assemblies of male citizens.
4. Plebeians- The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians.
5. Senate- In ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the king, under the republic by the consults; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well.
6. Consuls- In the Roman Republic, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors.
7 . Dictator- In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum six months term during times of emergency.
8. Tribunes- Magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained the power to initiate and veto laws.
9. Client- A person who provides personal service in return for money and protection from a patron,
10. Patron- A wealthy person who supports others with money and protection is exchange for personal services.
11. Pontiff- In ancient Rome, on of the republic's leading priests.
12. Paterfamilias- The "family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household.
13. Matron- Title of honor given to a married women in ancient Rome.

  • The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece's early west-ward expansion through the Mediterranean Sea, which brought the Greek model of civilization to the peoples of Italy during the early eighth century B.C.
  • Romans imitated Greek civilization, but improved it at the same time. (government/welfare)
  • They arrived in the Mediterranean land with farming resources similar to those of Greece or Palestine, but could feed a larger amount of people, and in time larger armies. 
  • Indo-European settlers formed various tribal groups, among them the Latin people of central Italy.
  • Latins settled near the Tiber River and built dwellings.
  • Romans borrowed directly from the Greeks. 
  • Greek city-states began to build colonies in southern Italy as they expanded.
  • Around 500 B.C- Rome overthrew its Etruscan leaders, and the monarchy was also abolished.
  • The government of the Roman society became officially the "people's business."
  • That was mostly run by the senate in early times.
  • Consuls wielding government power that had formerly belong to the kings.
  • Mixed government in Rome- Athenian democracy and Spartan oligarchy. 
  • 250 B.C- differences between the two groups no longer much mattered in politics and government. 
  • Separation of power in the U.S Constitution derives ultimately from the checks and balances between different branches of government in the Roman city-state.
  • Romans shared values mostly with the Greek city-states.
  • included the belief that it was the right duty of the men of the community to fight in wars, and share in its government. 
  • Women needed guardians for all legal transactions. 
  • Roman men first belonged to their family and a clan.
  • Roman revered their power of fatherhood not only in family life but also in the community life of their city-state. 
  • Vesta- the goddess of hearth and home.
  • in a home, the fire in a hearth was sacred to Vesta, and only put out if the family moved. 
  • Motherhood too was revered in Rome.