Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today in class we worked on a Pixton comic. Mary and I were working together. We were learning about Remus and Romulus and they were brothers. When they were younger their parents left them in a remote area somewhere because they did not care about them and could not take care of them. Later on they were placed into a basket and they floated down the River Timber. After being floated down the river for a while, a Shepherd eventually found them and she nursed them for a while so they could live. Then, they eventually went off on their own and founded the city of Rome. Romulus killed Remus on the way because he wanted to be the founder. Rome may have been given it's name because it was named after him. Some people think Rome was founded another way, but this is the story that most people heard and believe to be true. Here is the link to our pixton we worked on today:

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