Thursday, April 25, 2013


  • By then end of the Punic wars, Rome ruled an empire far longer than any earlier city-state
  • Citizens who lived in Rome had pretty much no voting rights. 
  • The people who served in the war now served for years at a time.
  • Those who came back often found their farms spoiled by neglect. 
  • Proletarians- mere "producers of offspring," the lowest class of Roman citizens.
  • A good social group was rising to prominence in Italy.
  • It consisted of war profiteers of various sorts-contractors in the armed forced and dealers in loot and slaves.
  • They used their money to buy ruined farms, restock them, and turn them to new purposes. 
  • 150 B.C- Slaves made up nearly 1/3 of the population of Italy.
  • In cities, slaves were secretaries and tutors.
  • Patrician families still enjoyed the highest social prestige. 
  • Cornelia- spent her life as widow after Tiberius died.
  • Noblest Romans had to scramble to make sure they got their share of spoils in the empire.
  • 'husbands divorced wives for the sake of more profitable family alliances.
  • Aristocrats and senate had little interest in finding ways to solve the republicas problems.
  • Tiberius, who was elected tribune of he people in 133 B.C, initiated to reform effort. 
  • The senate attacked him as a dangerous trouble maker. 
  • he decided to stand for reelection as a tribune. 
  • The reform movement was defeated, but for the first time, it had brought into question the traditional government system of the Republic and the power of the Senate. 
  • Soon the senate faced new challenges.
  • Soldiers proved courageous and tough.
  • Julius Caesar came from an old patrician family that had come down in the world.
  • 60 B.C- He began to collaborate with Gnaeus Pompeius. 
  • With the help of his friend Caesar won an appointment as proconsul of a providence that included southern regions of Gaul.
  • Caesar used his new powers to attack the grave problems facing Rome.
  • Caesar got assasinated. 

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