Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Today in class we were learning about Christianity after we went over our test. Here are some of my notes:

  1. Jesus was the leader. 
  2. He hung out with prostitutes to give them rights.
  3. Rome thought it was weird they were getting rights after that they did.
  4. Jesus rose from the dead and descended into heaven.
  5. Apostles were the followers of Jesus who tried to spread his beliefs. 
  6. Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became a follower of Jesus after a miraculous vision on the road to Damascus.
  7. Paul was well traveled, he helped found churches in many places, and he kept in touch with these new Christians by letters. 
  8. Some letters were Corinth, Thessalonian, Rome, Ephesus. 
  9. Paul's name was saw, but then he changed it. 
  10. Paul was explaining to us what he meant when he set everything up, talked and preached, and moved on.
  11. Paul talked of predestination which meant that God chose who was to be saved and who was to be damned. 
  12. Jesus went to John for his baptism.
  13. The spirit drove Paul into the desert, the one he felt when he was baptized. 
  14. Jesus did all he could for the people who had trouble supporting themselves. 
  15. He preached on moral questions, and from the followers he chose 2 assistants and he declared he was the Messiah. 
  16. Romans had Jesus crucified. 

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