Thursday, May 2, 2013

Powerpoint slide

  • War profiteers abounded and traded in slaves, weapons, and often bought abandoned farms to create large plantations.
  • "Just grab some land!"
  • Turned big estates into HUGE estates.
  • Soldiers and farmers who fought in Rome's wars often lost their land and came back to nothing.
  • Used their wealth to buy ruined farms.
  • Small plots were merged into large estates for use as vineyards, olive groves, or pastureland for livestock.
  • Displaces farmers could not compete with the slaves. (Carthage)
  • Plebeians make up the assembly.
  • Tiberius tried to do a lot of good things so they would vote him as the king of Rome.
  • Senate sees him as a trouble maker already, because he is in direct contact with their interest.
  • Septimulieus found Gaius' head and then scooped the brains out and filled it with lead so they threw Tiberius' head in the River Tiber.
  • Julius Caesar wants to extend his power and ambition.
  • Pompey is jealous, and the senate is worried.
  • Instead, he and his army cross the Rubicon and make a grand, heroic entrance.
  • Pompey is defeated in Greece, and is killed in Egypt where he has taken refuge.

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