Thursday, May 9, 2013

Powerpoint cont.

Today in class we were still going over Christianity and we were looking at the power point and taking notes. Here are some of the notes I took:

  • 99 problems (here's just a few)
  • In the third century, epidemic disease spreads throughout the Empire.
  • It's too hard to defend the frontier against the barbarians. 
  • Emperors began to lose their hold or power. 
  • Stayed in power for an overage of two and a half years, due to wars or assassinations.
  • Maintaining armies is becoming more expensive.
  • Still a lot of people in the city that are poverty-stricken and can't afford a anything anymore. 
  • Emperors had a hard time keeping themselves alive and in power.
  • Average length of rule was usually 2 years. That was till someone killed you either in battle or by people who didn't like your way of ruling.
  • 284 AD- Diocletian's reforms
  • Increase the size of the army to 400,000
  • 1/3 bigger than during Augustus' time
  • Recruit from the ranks of the barbarians.
  • Divide Roman territories into smaller Providences.
  • This new government has 20,000 officials- ten times more than under Augustus
  • There were more efficient at collecting higher taxes- this greater yield provided for a larger army.
  • Rome was based on a polytheism type of government.
  • They were excepted to do duties for Jupiter, where if you were Christians you didn't have to.
  • Diocletian (ruled from 284-305) left Christians alone at first.
  • The he undertook the most systematic persecution of all*
  • Constantine ruled as emperor 306-337
  • What was his connection with Christianity?*
  • and how did he restructure the empire?*

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