Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Class today

Today in class we took a quiz on feudalism. Mr. Schick graded our quiz during class and we just sat there and did other work. He told us our grade, then the class was over since we had a 2 hour late bell.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Feudalism vocab and definitions

Feudalism- A term coined by historians to describe the type of government institutions, as well as the general social and political relationships, that exists among the warrior-landholders in much of Europe during the Middle Ages.

Feudal compact- An arrangement between the lord and his vessel involving the exchange of property for personal services.

fief- A grant of land and accompanying government responsibilities and power.

vassal- acts as a servant, and worked for the knights. 

knight- Warrior who pledges allegiance a lord. Goes through training with an older knight. Entered into the feudal compact with another lord.

homage- A vassal's act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord. 

serf- bound to the land and lords for "labor service" a few days each week. Lifelong heredity status.

baron- A great lord who exercised government authority over vast family territory. 

peasantry- Lowest group in society. 

estate- In the Middle Ages, the groups that made up society; often defined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work. 

manor- The principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility of to a Church institution. 

three field system- A method of crop rotation designed to maintain the fertility of the soil and to provide for a regular supply of fall and spring crops. 

international colonization- The process of cultivating and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe. 

suburb- The more country part of a town. Usually a lot of farming takes place in these areas. 

guild- An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards and prices. 

master-A craftsman who had the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business. 

journeyman- A licensed artisan who has served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rate per day.  

apprentice- A "learner" in the sop of a master.

masterpiece- This was the final work of art a apprentice would present to his master to prove he could do stuff on his own. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013


  • Feudalism
    • Feudalism is a term used by historians to describe the governmental system and the relationships between landowners and warriors
    • Warriors, known as knights, would pledge his allegiance to a lord, who would in turn give that knight land
    • The lord would grant a fief(property) to the knight, who would ten become the lord's vassal(servant)- this was called the "feudal compact"
    • The vassal must fight for the lord when he needs it and attend his court once a month
    • A vassal was a professional relationship not like a servant where the servant cant look or talk to the lord
    • Homage and Knighthood
      • a vassal was required to pay homage to his lord, usually this meant kneeling down and taking the lord's hand in his while speaking an oath of loyalty
      • Men were apprenticed to older knights before they could become a full knight themselves
      • When a knight died, his fief would revert to his son, through his lord would be protector of that son if he was underage, or if it was a daughter. 
    • The Feudalization of the Church
      • Some clergy were known to fight as knights themselves

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Today in class we got our tests back and the pop quiz we took in class last week. I got 2 dings, because i got a A on both. I enjoyed the study day we got and going over all of the information because i think it helped me a lot to realize what was important and what was not needed as much. Also, i would not have known the name of Constantinople before, but you helped me learn that the name of it was Byzantine. The roman government had 20,000 government officials, and i would have not been able to guess that there were 60 million people that were a part of the Roman society. I thought it would be a couple thousand, not million.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Germanic kingdoms of Western Europe

Today in class we went over another power point. Here are some of my notes:

  • The Germanic barbarians. 
  • Barbarians warlords and their families who assimilated into Roman culture became the "nobles" or aristocrats of medieval Europe.
  • Germanic tribes who ruled former Roman lands sought to conquer and assimilate other barbarians people who lived beyond the frontiers and were still pagans.
  • No more Christians persecuted, they were in power, and future emperors were Christians. 
  • The Angles and Saxons (from Denmark and northwestern Germany) invaded Britain and assimilated the native Britons. 
  • Most of the Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity in the seventh century. 
  • The most powerful Germanic tribe was the Franks.
  • But the real power lay with the "mayors of the palace" who were royal officials and noble themselves. 
  • from "Eastern Empire" to "Byzantium" 
  • The Eastern Roman Empire continued on while the west was now divided up by the barbarian tribes.
  • When the emperor Justinian came to power in 527, he decided to reunite the entire Roman Empire by re-conquering the western territories.
  • Justinian succeeded for a time, but the land he re took was soon conquered by new barbarian tribes and a massive plague depopulated much of the west.
  • Plague killed barbarians, Romans, people from other empires and a lot of things did not happen.
  • Smaller army.
  • Greek Byzantine emperors saw themselves as Roman emperors and the heads of the Christian church.
  • Byzantines preserved Greco-Roman art, architecture  philosophy and writing despite much of it being non Christian.
  • Justinian built the massive dome Hagia Sophia ("Holy Wisdom") in Constantinople considered to by the most glorious church on earth at the time. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rome fades away

Today we went over a power point. Here are some of my notes:

  • Diocletian rules from 284-303
  • He thinks its cool to persecute Christians. 
  • Rome needs a big army (400,000 strong)
  • Rome needs a  big government (20,000 officials)
  • Constantine rules from 306-337.
  • Thinks its cool to be a Christian.
  • he converts to Christianity. 
  • 313- his Edict of Milan proclaims freedom of worship. 
  • Built a new capital in the East, Byzantine soon to be known as Constantinople. 
  • country dwellers are getting bankrupt by endless tan collection.
  • New farming system: peasant work for elite landlords on large farms.
  • Peasants can avoid paying taxes, but they are getting hit just as hard by the landlords.
  • Paying off debt and being "allowed" to live on the land, in exchange for endless back-breaking work.(such a deal.)
  • Landowners can hold local power as counts and bishops, wielding more real power than a faraway empire. 
  • Foreshadowing feudalism.
  • Romes power is decreasing, while nomadic barbarians gain power.
  • Western empire is too poor, begins to be neglected. 
  • Huns migrate from China to eastern Europe.
  • Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture and loot Rome its self in 410.
  • Vandals control Carthage and the western Mediterranean.
  • From the beginnings...
  • 500 B.C- the monarchy was established. 
  • 450 B.C- the Twelve Tables are established. 
  • .....Through the glory days
  • 44 B.C- end of the line for Julius Caesar. 
  • 27 B.C-180 A.D- The Roman Peace (Pax Romana)
  • to the bitter end... 
  • constant fifth century invasions by barbarian tribes left the western Roman Empire shattered and crumbling.
  • the last emperor was a teenage boy installed in 475 by his father.
  • Barbarians deposed Romulus Augustalus without bothering to kill him.
  • 476- last emperor is gone. (THE END) 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

LO1 The Carolingians

Here are some of my notes from the LO reading.

  • By A.D 700, the kingdom of the Franks, once the most powerful state in western Europe, was seemingly falling apart. 
  • Nobles were scrambling for wealth and power. 
  • Carolingians- The Frankish dynasty founded by Charles Martel in the eighth century, as successors to the Merovingian. 
  • They rebuilt the Frankish kingdom, and although their power melted away in its turn, their achievements outlast them.
  • Charles was a ruthless and warlike ruler who went down in history as Charles Martel. 
  • Rewarding followers meant giving them the gift of land. 
  • give land to the foot soldiers who served in peace and war.
  • Charles Martel's son, Pepin, decided that the time had come for the actual power in the kingdom to be recognized as legal power. 
  • In search of a way to take over the kingship that would be seen as legitimate, in 751 Pepin turned to the generally accepted highest religious authority, Pope Zachary. 
  • The popes acquired a legal basis for authority over a much wider region than before, and they ruled their new territory over a thousand years-until the unification in Italy in 1870.
  • Charles, Pepin's son and Charles Martel's grandson, was a towering figure, celebrated in history and legend under the name of Charlemagne- the French version of "Charles the Great."
  • He reigned over the empire for 46 years and contributed mightily to the evolution of western Europe. 
  • Charlemagne was almost constantly at war. 
  • He expanded boundaries of both Christianity and Frankish power outward in all directions by military force. 
  • He made the capital Aachen. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013


Today we went over power points on Diocletian. Here are some of my notes:

  • At first he didn't have a problem with them, but then he did.
  • He sentenced the people of the Christian church to be burnt and killed.
  • Ordered the Christians to not worship anymore in any assemblies.
  • To be stripped of all of their main jobs in government.
  • He didn't want them to be Christians and to terminate them.
  • He is burning their scriptures and wiping out their places of worship.
  • Ordered the arrest as well as the imprisonment of all bishops and priests.
  • The jail was so crowded they let the  bad people go to make room for the bishops.
  • Clergyman wanted to be freed, he would have to make a sacrifice to the Roman gods.
  • This ordered all men and women and children to come to the public space and make a collective sacrifice together and if they refused, they would be executes.
  • Bishops didn't do anything that would put a negative influence on the followers.
  • the night before a battle, Constantine had a dream of God coming to him and telling him he needed to put the sign of the cross on his armies shields. 
  • Constantine built up the Roman army and in order to pay for it he introduced a new gold currency. He shared the power with other emperors which were his sons, and began building a new capital. 
  • Edicts are law and they come from the emperor so they need to be obeyed. 
  • He ordered that the newly build church they paid for with their own money be leveled.
  • He demanded that the readings were all destroyed.
  • Prohibited Christians from worshiping even in the public.
  • They went on the down low and went to other people's houses and began and continued to worship.
  • They kept a lower profile and they had hero's.
  • They didn't have open traditional services, but did their own thing.
  • A fire destroyed part of the imperial palace.
  • They blamed the fire on the Christian people but no responsible party was found for the destruction.
  • One man was stripped, hoisted off the ground, and was lashed by whips with tacks and other sharp things on it, salt and vinegar were poured in his wounds, and was burnt over an open fire.
  • This was the empires way of saying see what will happen if you cont. to practice Christianity. 
  • six officials including the bishop were decapitated. 
  • The government showed if they wanted to worship they would all be killed in terrible ways.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Powerpoint cont.

Today in class we were still going over Christianity and we were looking at the power point and taking notes. Here are some of the notes I took:

  • 99 problems (here's just a few)
  • In the third century, epidemic disease spreads throughout the Empire.
  • It's too hard to defend the frontier against the barbarians. 
  • Emperors began to lose their hold or power. 
  • Stayed in power for an overage of two and a half years, due to wars or assassinations.
  • Maintaining armies is becoming more expensive.
  • Still a lot of people in the city that are poverty-stricken and can't afford a anything anymore. 
  • Emperors had a hard time keeping themselves alive and in power.
  • Average length of rule was usually 2 years. That was till someone killed you either in battle or by people who didn't like your way of ruling.
  • 284 AD- Diocletian's reforms
  • Increase the size of the army to 400,000
  • 1/3 bigger than during Augustus' time
  • Recruit from the ranks of the barbarians.
  • Divide Roman territories into smaller Providences.
  • This new government has 20,000 officials- ten times more than under Augustus
  • There were more efficient at collecting higher taxes- this greater yield provided for a larger army.
  • Rome was based on a polytheism type of government.
  • They were excepted to do duties for Jupiter, where if you were Christians you didn't have to.
  • Diocletian (ruled from 284-305) left Christians alone at first.
  • The he undertook the most systematic persecution of all*
  • Constantine ruled as emperor 306-337
  • What was his connection with Christianity?*
  • and how did he restructure the empire?*

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Today in class we were learning about Christianity after we went over our test. Here are some of my notes:

  1. Jesus was the leader. 
  2. He hung out with prostitutes to give them rights.
  3. Rome thought it was weird they were getting rights after that they did.
  4. Jesus rose from the dead and descended into heaven.
  5. Apostles were the followers of Jesus who tried to spread his beliefs. 
  6. Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became a follower of Jesus after a miraculous vision on the road to Damascus.
  7. Paul was well traveled, he helped found churches in many places, and he kept in touch with these new Christians by letters. 
  8. Some letters were Corinth, Thessalonian, Rome, Ephesus. 
  9. Paul's name was saw, but then he changed it. 
  10. Paul was explaining to us what he meant when he set everything up, talked and preached, and moved on.
  11. Paul talked of predestination which meant that God chose who was to be saved and who was to be damned. 
  12. Jesus went to John for his baptism.
  13. The spirit drove Paul into the desert, the one he felt when he was baptized. 
  14. Jesus did all he could for the people who had trouble supporting themselves. 
  15. He preached on moral questions, and from the followers he chose 2 assistants and he declared he was the Messiah. 
  16. Romans had Jesus crucified. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

LO2- Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace

  • In its first two hundred years, Christianity acquired many lasting features of its beliefs and practices.
  • The development involved the Christians and Jews too.
  • It was during the period of Jewish conflict and dispute leading up the the destruction of the Temple in A.D 70 that Jesus lived and taught.
  • Named the books after his followers.
  • Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
  • Gospel writers focused the most on his birth and the brief years when he was a wandering preacher in Judea, and his death and aftermath.
  • Two roles: A teacher explaining God's purposes, and as Messiah sent by God.
  • The Gospels, written at a time when the Jewish majority and the believers of Jesus were turning against each other, portrayed him as an outright opponent of other Jewish groups. 
  • However from much of the readings we know, Jesus had a lot in common with them. 
  • He obeyed the law and visited the Temple, and called for acceptance of Roman law, while standing apart from the Temple priest. 
  • Jesus taught, longed for Gods forgiveness, which alone could admit them to the kingdom. 
  • Jesus's biggest difference with the Pharisees, as the gospels described it, was that, like the radical Jewish groups, he proclaimed that "the kingdom of God has come near."
  • In the thirty years after Jesus' death, his apostles worked hard to proclaim "the good news" (PAUL)

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Today in class we started our papers. Here is mine so far:

                The Pax Romana, by Wikipedia definition, is the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Caesar Augustus played a huge role in the Pax Romana, hint why it is sometimes called the Pax Augusta. One reason this was so successful was because the Roman Legion was able to patrol the boarders very successfully. In 27 B.C Augusta got ascended which was the reason why the Pax Romana even started. During this time, Rome switched government to a Monarchy. This is when a bunch of things really started to take off. People were peaceful with each other, and no wars were going on.
            Rome started to take part of and share Greek culture and the Latin peoples joined in with a new language. Literature began to take off and Livius Andronicus was making the Odyssey into a play people could watch that was very entertaining. This is when they all began to use Greek literature forms. Some of the most famous writers were Plautus, Terence and Aristophanes. Plautus and Terence were somewhat alike, and they focused on subjects like love and money. People were interested in them because they added humor to their plays, and switched it from serious to happy and humorous. These two poets tried to write about things most of the people could connect to in life. However, literature was not the only thing that started to progress in Roman society.
            Architecture and engineering started to boom in Rome. Old buildings got tortured and eroded, but the Romans kept them there, as if they were a sign of power. Things like roads, arches, vaults, domes, temples, statues, etc. started to be built and found all through Rome. Forums were the nicest and biggest of all Roman buildings, and served as a “marketplace” for the republic. Many emperors were involved in the process of making their forums. In the beginning of the Roman 2nd century, Capitoline Hill had one built on it and it belonged to Trajan. Even bigger and better than his, was the forum of Dacia. The Romans then went on to build temples, and the structure they used came heavily from the Greek culture.  There was a temple that went by the name of the Pantheon and it was considered by the Romans to be the Temple of All the Gods. All of this building would not have been possible if it wasn't for the Romans new building techniques. Previous empires used stone, but the Romans saw that with the use of materials like concrete and stone and even brick the things they were building would stand better and for a long amount of time. Bathhouses were created and very popular because warm water got put into them, so the people had a source of warm water, not whatever they could find in a stream, lake, etc. People who belonged to lower class and did not have enough money could afford the expense of using the recreational areas like the swimming pools, bars, and theaters. Colosseum found in Rome may be among one of the biggest achievements that people still know about today. If you were to visit Rome today, you can still see the Colosseum because it is still there. In Roman history, it was used for battle scenes, and most importantly chariot races. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Powerpoint slide

  • War profiteers abounded and traded in slaves, weapons, and often bought abandoned farms to create large plantations.
  • "Just grab some land!"
  • Turned big estates into HUGE estates.
  • Soldiers and farmers who fought in Rome's wars often lost their land and came back to nothing.
  • Used their wealth to buy ruined farms.
  • Small plots were merged into large estates for use as vineyards, olive groves, or pastureland for livestock.
  • Displaces farmers could not compete with the slaves. (Carthage)
  • Plebeians make up the assembly.
  • Tiberius tried to do a lot of good things so they would vote him as the king of Rome.
  • Senate sees him as a trouble maker already, because he is in direct contact with their interest.
  • Septimulieus found Gaius' head and then scooped the brains out and filled it with lead so they threw Tiberius' head in the River Tiber.
  • Julius Caesar wants to extend his power and ambition.
  • Pompey is jealous, and the senate is worried.
  • Instead, he and his army cross the Rubicon and make a grand, heroic entrance.
  • Pompey is defeated in Greece, and is killed in Egypt where he has taken refuge.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Movie 2

Today in class we were continuing to watch the movie we had started in class a couple of days ago. Today Carthage and Rome were fighting again, but in the end result Rome surrendered to them because they were losing a lot of their men. Then, Tiberius had to face the senate of Rome because he had made a treaty with the Barbarians. When he faced the senate, and then his mother, his mom was mad for ruining her family reputation. Tiberius ran for tribune and the senator vetoed his request for it. 10 people were voted as tribune for a year. Since the senator vetoed his request, he vetoed everything the senator tried to pass. He tried to put the government at almost a stand still and make it hard for them to do or pass anything.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Today in class we were about to watch a movie but then Mr. Schick's computer wouldn't play sound so he got mad and left. When he came back we surprised him by hooking up another persons computer and going on with the lesson by ourselves. I learned from the movie so far that Tiberius had a son who also had the same name as him and when Tiberius left his son felt like it was his duty to carry on with what he had believed in and fought for the city of Rome. Also in a republic type of government one person could never hold enough power. Tiberius went to war with Carthage over the island of Sicily, and after the first battle Rome won because Carthage ended up surrendering. I look forward to seeing what will happen next between them. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


  • By then end of the Punic wars, Rome ruled an empire far longer than any earlier city-state
  • Citizens who lived in Rome had pretty much no voting rights. 
  • The people who served in the war now served for years at a time.
  • Those who came back often found their farms spoiled by neglect. 
  • Proletarians- mere "producers of offspring," the lowest class of Roman citizens.
  • A good social group was rising to prominence in Italy.
  • It consisted of war profiteers of various sorts-contractors in the armed forced and dealers in loot and slaves.
  • They used their money to buy ruined farms, restock them, and turn them to new purposes. 
  • 150 B.C- Slaves made up nearly 1/3 of the population of Italy.
  • In cities, slaves were secretaries and tutors.
  • Patrician families still enjoyed the highest social prestige. 
  • Cornelia- spent her life as widow after Tiberius died.
  • Noblest Romans had to scramble to make sure they got their share of spoils in the empire.
  • 'husbands divorced wives for the sake of more profitable family alliances.
  • Aristocrats and senate had little interest in finding ways to solve the republicas problems.
  • Tiberius, who was elected tribune of he people in 133 B.C, initiated to reform effort. 
  • The senate attacked him as a dangerous trouble maker. 
  • he decided to stand for reelection as a tribune. 
  • The reform movement was defeated, but for the first time, it had brought into question the traditional government system of the Republic and the power of the Senate. 
  • Soon the senate faced new challenges.
  • Soldiers proved courageous and tough.
  • Julius Caesar came from an old patrician family that had come down in the world.
  • 60 B.C- He began to collaborate with Gnaeus Pompeius. 
  • With the help of his friend Caesar won an appointment as proconsul of a providence that included southern regions of Gaul.
  • Caesar used his new powers to attack the grave problems facing Rome.
  • Caesar got assasinated. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


  • Circus Maxi mus was a huge area where chariot fights and other fights occurred.
  • "Give them bread and serve business."
  • Kept them from revolting most of the time.
  • Young men were building big houses and the others didn't.
  • Gracchus brothers: their idea- the rich who are making big amounts of money from slavery and could not spend the money they have. They have too much and the people who fought for the country have nothing.
  • The rich could give some of their land back that they brought from people.
  • As a thank you and treat them as normal human beings.
  • The rich did not like it because they would have to lose some of their land. 
  • Threw the men into the Tiber river, and was beaten to death with a chair.
  • Assembly doing battle with the senate.
  • On side of the government was arguing with the other side of the government.
  • Conquering war lands, spreading and getting bigger and better.
  • They got rid of this government after the wars and then changed the government, then the empire collapsed.
  • Americans think that we are going down the same path as Romans. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Punic wars

Today in class we took the time to watch some of our class mates present their projects. It helped me get a better understanding of what the rap Mr. Schick made was saying. During the test i can just refer back to the pictures in my head for help if i need it.

(Map of the Punic War and routes)

  • Two big islands are controlled by Carthage.
  • Carthage tries to take over Sicily.
  • Rome wins the first Punic war.
  • Massing people (men, horses, elephants) and crossed over the Alps.
  • So they didn't expect it, they tried a different route.
  • You did not know if your land would still be there when you got back. 
  • Younger men tried to take it over.
  • Felt it was their duty right as they grew up into man hood to fight for your country and what you believe in.
  • Got trained to do so from a very young age.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Today in class we broke down the lyrics to the song. Here are my notes:

  • Romans loved the way the Greek's did things.
  • Tarquin- the last king in Rome.
  • Thought to be Go's chosen people.
  • Located in a perfect location.
  • Res publica- Where the word republic comes from. Latin for the peoples job.
  • Democracy formed the senate.
  • All of them were rich and there were 300 of them and they had their own government branch and made and interpreted laws.
  • Tribunes were in the assembly.
  • At first, Rich people just decided how things were going to work. Only rich knew the laws and the punishment for breaking the laws.
  • The people demanded that the patricians came clean and told the laws or made in public, so they made the 12 tables.
  • 12 big tablets that were wood, bronze, and had the laws on them and said that could happen if they broke the rules. They were open to the public.
  • They could not argue if someone did something wrong and got punished.
  • The people don't like to get rid of their money or power. They feel like it is a right of birth.
  • Consuls- there were 2 of them. They were chosen by the senate.
  • Consuls could veto each other and they would start over and reach an agreement.
  • Consuls served a one year terms.
  • Number of representatives depended on the population of a state.
  • Reps. Only there for one year.
  • Did not have a king, they had a king.
  • President, vice president, and the cabins.
  • Can veto anything the senate or anything that comes up and they don't like.
  • Roman Legion- Military that invaded other places, won wars, and they stopped others from attacking them .
  • It was what you were supposed to do to go into the military.
  • It was expected in the society and the right thing to do.
  • Got to the point no one wanted to fight anymore, so they had to pay people to fight.
  • 12x12 people formations.
  • Used spears that were long so they could fight before they enemy was even close to them.
  • Had javelins that they could throw. Maybe 6 foot long and arrow dynamically fit for throwing accurately if they knew how.
  • Also used daggers. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Class today

Today in class we were told by Mr. Schick he is not going to grade our movies from movie maker because too many people were having problems with it. So we got the class to work on out movies if we wanted to work on them to get extra credit. Me and Mary didn't do it because out movie maker was not working right, so I looked over the lyrics and studied them. It is easier to study them then to take the time to find pictures that won't help me. For the test, we are going to have to know about the different event that happened in Rome and also the people who were a big part of Rome during the time of the rise and fall of the Roman empire in the East.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie Maker

Today in class we were working on a windows movie maker presentation to Mr. Schick's song "Rome" to another song. Mary and I were partners and we were working in class to learn how to use movie maker. Then, we didn't have iTunes  so we had to download it so we could get the song onto the movie maker. This took most of the class to figure this out, then we had to start to find pictures to go along to the lyrics. We started with the first part that had Etruscan and the Greeks and showed a map with the locations of where they were both located so you can see how close they are in distance. Then it said the Latins were number one, so we found a picture of Sponge bob when he felt like he was number one with a hat. Then the bell rang, so Mary was going to ask her sister how to work movie maker so we can work on it faster in class on Wednesday.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Today in class we are working on LO2. Here are my notes:
  • The Romans were above all a military people, patriotic farmers, soldiers.
  • Once they made a home they wanted to make allies with other places.
  • They were generous with their treatment of defeated enemies. 
  • Tightened their control over the Italian peninsula by creating a network of colonies. 
  • Roman colonist enjoyed rights of citizenship that were almost equal to those of citizens who lived in Rome itself.

The Punic wars:
  • Most non- Romans in Italy gained Roman citizenship.
  • 250 B.C- All of Italy south of the River Po was in Roman hands.
  • Carthage came into Rome and created a collision.
  • 700 B.C- Carthage founded by Phoenician colonist.
  • They were a oligarchy empire. 
  • Sicily had been fighting with Carthage for a while to gain control of the island they are located on. 
  • The Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in three vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C.
  • The first time they fought, Rome was about to force Carthage out of Sicily.
  • Fearing a Carthaginian revival, Rome had provoked a third war in 146 B.C.
  • They decided the city was going to be leveled and all of the people there were going to be sent into slavery.

  • Former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman provinces. 
  • after Augustus in 27 B.C, the provinces began to share in the benefits of Roman order. 
  • Romans had unified most of Italy after the Punic Wars were over with.
  • Right after Rome defeated Carthage, Rome began to look on the eastern Mediterranean to gain even more land territory.
  • 200 B.C- ambassadors from various Greek city-states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting the king of Macedonia, even though he had been allies with Carthage before the fighting broke out.
  • Romans became supreme in the region around late first century B.C.
  • From Gibraltar to Jerusalem fell the shadow of the might Rome.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today in class we worked on a Pixton comic. Mary and I were working together. We were learning about Remus and Romulus and they were brothers. When they were younger their parents left them in a remote area somewhere because they did not care about them and could not take care of them. Later on they were placed into a basket and they floated down the River Timber. After being floated down the river for a while, a Shepherd eventually found them and she nursed them for a while so they could live. Then, they eventually went off on their own and founded the city of Rome. Romulus killed Remus on the way because he wanted to be the founder. Rome may have been given it's name because it was named after him. Some people think Rome was founded another way, but this is the story that most people heard and believe to be true. Here is the link to our pixton we worked on today:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today Mr. Schick did a wrap and then we went over notes. Here are some of the notes I added but did not have:
  • Liked doing things the way ancient Greeks did.
  • Mediterranean means middle of the Earth. 
  • believed that was the world, and did not know anything else was in the world, no other land masses. 
  • Gods had chosen them to have a perfect land area.
  • 3 people who settled Italian peninsula- Etruscan, Greeks, Latins.
  • Our language descends from the Greeks who went off the Latin.
  • Improved the government and welfare of the Greek society.
  • Government started out as a monarchy, but wanted a democracy. 
  • The monarchy had kings.
  • The senate comes from sen ex which means old men, who also ran things. 
  • If kind died, senate would meet and decide who was going to be the king next.
  • Might not have been someone related to the king.
  • Res publica- means the peoples business. 
  • The patrician's were sort of like the founding fathers. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rome LO1

Key terms:
1. Augustus Caesar- Managed to turn military rule into a workable system of government by one man.(Commander.)
2. Patricians- Upper class citizens who belong to the oldest noblest Roman families.
3. Republic- In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision- making power was shared between the senate and assemblies of male citizens.
4. Plebeians- The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians.
5. Senate- In ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the king, under the republic by the consults; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well.
6. Consuls- In the Roman Republic, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors.
7 . Dictator- In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum six months term during times of emergency.
8. Tribunes- Magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained the power to initiate and veto laws.
9. Client- A person who provides personal service in return for money and protection from a patron,
10. Patron- A wealthy person who supports others with money and protection is exchange for personal services.
11. Pontiff- In ancient Rome, on of the republic's leading priests.
12. Paterfamilias- The "family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household.
13. Matron- Title of honor given to a married women in ancient Rome.

  • The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece's early west-ward expansion through the Mediterranean Sea, which brought the Greek model of civilization to the peoples of Italy during the early eighth century B.C.
  • Romans imitated Greek civilization, but improved it at the same time. (government/welfare)
  • They arrived in the Mediterranean land with farming resources similar to those of Greece or Palestine, but could feed a larger amount of people, and in time larger armies. 
  • Indo-European settlers formed various tribal groups, among them the Latin people of central Italy.
  • Latins settled near the Tiber River and built dwellings.
  • Romans borrowed directly from the Greeks. 
  • Greek city-states began to build colonies in southern Italy as they expanded.
  • Around 500 B.C- Rome overthrew its Etruscan leaders, and the monarchy was also abolished.
  • The government of the Roman society became officially the "people's business."
  • That was mostly run by the senate in early times.
  • Consuls wielding government power that had formerly belong to the kings.
  • Mixed government in Rome- Athenian democracy and Spartan oligarchy. 
  • 250 B.C- differences between the two groups no longer much mattered in politics and government. 
  • Separation of power in the U.S Constitution derives ultimately from the checks and balances between different branches of government in the Roman city-state.
  • Romans shared values mostly with the Greek city-states.
  • included the belief that it was the right duty of the men of the community to fight in wars, and share in its government. 
  • Women needed guardians for all legal transactions. 
  • Roman men first belonged to their family and a clan.
  • Roman revered their power of fatherhood not only in family life but also in the community life of their city-state. 
  • Vesta- the goddess of hearth and home.
  • in a home, the fire in a hearth was sacred to Vesta, and only put out if the family moved. 
  • Motherhood too was revered in Rome.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Today in class we begun to share out power points we have been working on. Here are some of the notes i took during class:
1. King Phillip is the father of Alexander the Great.
2. King of Macedon.
3. Lost right eye during battle.
4. Had many wives.
5. Did not get along very well with Alexander.
6. Olympia is the mother of Alexander.
7. Alexander had a better relationship with his mother then his father.
8. Married 357 B.C
9. Alexander was told to be the son of Zeus.
10. Described that moment a turning point of his divinity.
11. Thought to be the son of God,
12. Esteemed arrogance in himself, and had a lot of confidence.
13. Zeus= the god of thunder and lighting.
14. King Phillip was assassinated in the Spring of 336 B.C.
15. Killed by a young Macedon noble Persian who was King Phillips body guard responsible for the assassination.
16. Alexander was the eldest son and became king at the age of 20.
17. He defeated Thracian and others in battle, than made his way to Asia minor.
18. He had great success in conquering the Persian Empire.
19. Sent large amount of army to Persia on the Royal Road.
20. he's trying to defeat the Persian empire.
21. Stayed in Persepolis for 5 months.
22. Battle of Chaeronea, Battle of Grankus, Battle of Issus, Battle of Gaugamela.
23. Seige of tyre- sent threats and attacked.
24. Battle of Issus- Marked beginning and end of Persian power.
25. No one knows why he died.
26. India had elephants.
27. Battle of Astaphelus is where bruceaphulus died.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today in class we were working on the power points we started the other day in class. I learned a lot about Alexander the Great and the education he received. I learned that he had one tutor and then his father who was the King hired Aristotle. He taught him things like poetry, philosophy, literature, and math. His other tutor taught him things like horsemanship and war like things. King Phillip offered to help Aristotle to rebuild his hometown called  Stageria. This is what he did in return for his child's education. His teaching took place is Mieza and it was at a temple. Even after all of the stuff he did he decided to go into the war and fight for his father to try and get his city more power. They won the war and they were a large nation now.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Power point

Today in class we got assigned groups to work with to do a power point with that deals with the life of Alexander the Great. My group got assigned his early years of his life and my category I am focusing on is how he got tutored for all of his school subjects by Aristotle. Such education came with having the King as your father. His first tutor was Leonidas who tried to teach him things like math, horsemanship, and archery. However, Alexander was not a good student and Leonidas had a tough time getting him to learn. This is when Alexanders dad, King Phillip learned that he must hire a new tutor, and the new tutor was Aristotle. However between the teaching of both of his tutors he decided to rise and go into the Military and fight in a battle. Aristotle taught him for three years and taught him things like poetry, philosophy, drama, science, and even the latest political things. Alexander went on to be one of the most heroic men from a long time ago.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 5

Hellenistic era started in the 300 B.C when Greek civilization entered into a new phase. This is the era in which their was the leading international culture but their way of life was also influenced by the people the ruled over. In 359 B.C, King Phillip the second of Macedonia comes to power and moves to control Greece. He wanted to gain control of Greece city-states and Macedonia. However the people did not want that and his agents had to work to prevent the city-states from joining together and taking him over.The was was fought by two sides who had different beliefs and they were Sparta and southern Greece. Sparta was forced to make and build a navy of their own that was capable of defeating the opponent if they wanted to gain more power. People began to help Athens by donating money so they could build more triremes to defeat Sparta. Athenians were under the rule of Pericles who had a lot of skill and strategy. The Athenians tried to battle the Spartans at sea because they were more superior on land. The Athenians guarded the Spartan sea routes with their new Navy. The Spartans however still defeated Greece and Greece would return to their normal life. They still thrived, even after the terrible defeat. A kingdom of Macedonia became about. They thrived in the Middle East, more than most of the civilizations that were around at the time. City states would come to an end in Greece under their rule, and they would become united for a while.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Test review

Today we were filling in our study guides for the test on Monday.

1600 – 1200 BC- The Mycenaean civilization.
1150 – 750 BC- The Dark Ages.
776 BC- Olympic Games were formed and started.
750 – 700 BC- Homer wrote the Illiot and Odyssey.
621 BC- Draco reformed the tax code.
508 BC- Birth of the first world democracy. (Issagorus is overthrown.) Clysenese was the man ostracized and they brought him back when they throw out Issagorus.
490 BC- The Battle of Marathon. Phedippidese runs to Sparta to inform them about the invasion of Athens.
480 BC- Greeks and Persians round 2. Fight at straights of Salamis.
461 – 429 BC- The age of Pericles.
447 – 438 BC- They built the Parthenon. A billion dollar building.
431 – 404 BC- The Peloponnesian war. Athens wants to invade Sparta. Sparta wins and Athens loses and Pericles dies of the plague during the war along with his sons. 1/3 to 2/3 of the population.
399 BC- Socrates died of Hemlock poison.
336 BC- Alexander the Great started his empire.

Homer- Wrote the Illiot and the Odyssey about the Trojan war.
Odysseus- Main character in The Odyssey and fought in war. Took 10 years for him to get home.
Zeus- Greek God, the father of the Gods and was the top god.
Athena- The patron of Athens, she is a goddess of wisdom.
Pisistratus- Was a tyrant in the old sense of the world. Seized power on his own. Used regular folks as part of his political base. 
Cleisthenes- Wan an aristocrat. Was told he would be the leader of Athens and got thrown out later by another guy.
Darius (the Great)- He was the king of Persia of the time of Marathon Battle and lost.
Xerxes- The son of Darius and gained power. He burnt down the Athens acropolis and lost the second battle.
Pheidippides- Ran the Marathon and ran to Sparta to get help for the war, but got declined.
Themistocles- Built the triremes in case they attacked again.
Pericles- Aristocrat family, treated a lady equal, leader of Athens,
Aristophanes- Was a person of the red light district. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Class debate

Today in class we started off by looking at a picture from a long time ago. The scene was the room when Socrates was about the die by drinking the hemlock, and had a bunch of people gathered around him. We were talking about the stuff the artist did wrong and we were talking about what it should look like. Then we went into a class discussion. We were talking about the legalization is Marijuana. Some people were making statements that you can go to a bar and get drunk, but when you are high you are less likely to get in a car accident. Some of the states have already made these changes to their laws and are only giving it to people with a prescription  but they are easy to get so more and more people are beginning to use it wit the higher demand for legalization. Maryland has not yet legalize Marijuana but places like California and also Colorado have. I think it is a bad decision because it is forcing people to put things that are bad for them in their bodies. I think the only acception should be for those who currently have cancer they are trying to treat.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class we watched a movie. Here are some of the notes I took during the class time:
- Spartans wont he Peloponnese war.
- Hubris- Feeling like you don't need to be counted; do whatever they want.
- Athens plan to stop trade didn't work, Sparta grew their own food and stole what they needed to survive.
- Plague- Killed a third of the population of Athens.
- People killed in battle and war meant the moral was down for Athens.
- Socrates was critical about public affairs of Athens.
- He got people to think and wanted people to express an opinion.
- Knew things about the movement of the sun. Socrates made people think more reasonably and logically.
- Socrates was arrested for undermining the state religion and also for corrupting the youth.
- Socrates was stubborn.
- Thought town was lazy and needed some help and a boost forward.
- We can find ways to improve our world and exam en.
- He demanded free dinner for life for all the work he had done.
- Socrates found guilty and has a death penalty.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today in class we went over the test we took the day i was absent. We went over things like Greece's geography and how it is located on a peninsula, which means that water covers three sides of it. Also the Greeks were a little late when it came to developing, and most of the reason was due to the fact they had terrible and poor geography. Not only there water, but also 3/4 of the land that was usable and mountainous terrain. Also, the Spartans were the ones who enjoyed fighting the most. They were good at it, except for when they faced the Greeks who outnumbered them big time and still ended up winning. Lastly, we went over the Ionian and Aegean Seas and how the Greeks used them. They both emptied out into a bigger body of water called the Mediterranean sea, and they called it that because they believed it was located in the middle of the world.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in class we were still watching the movie we started many classes ago. Here are the notes I took:
- Persia is going to invade.
- 480 B.C- Phidippides.
- His quest is not for glory but instead for survival.
- Greece beat the Persia empire.
- Darius- Persian king.
- Huge cultural difference between Greeks and Persians over freedom versus slavery.
- Greeks had slaves in their society.
- Marathon is where they land, near Athens.
- Athens was a city with no Army so men had to just find weapons and fight for their freedom.
- The Athenians outnumbered 2:1.
- Phidippides ran 140 miles in 2 days.
- He ran form Athens to Sparta to inform them of the invasion and ask for help.
- Spartans knew Persians were invading Athens and chose not to help them out.
- Worlds first democracy had survived its first big test.
- Killed close to 6,000 people per day fighting.
- Themistocles- Fell on battle field at Marathon. He rose to power through democracy.
- He was the savior of his city.
- He was the first to create and use a triream.
- Had a total of 170 oars among the 2 levels of the ship.
- They are used to be successful is battle out on the sea.
- 483 B.C- Athens found riches that could make them more powerful.
- He wanted to spend this new found money on ships, instead of making the people richer.
- He was ostricised from the island, because people were afraid he would want to be a leader and was becoming too powerful.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today in class we were watching a video we started last class. Here are some of the notes I took during the class:

  •  East Mediterranean thrived off there economic power.
  • Grew from a settlement to an economic power.
  • 527 B.C- he was laid to rest in a graveyard. 
  • Hippeous took over Athens. 
  • Athenians discovered how bad Tyranny was.
  • Executed people, killed people, treated mostly all people unfairly. 
  • Rules were terrible for the Athenians. 
  • life for Cleisthenes became dangerous.
  • Ostracism-  to be expelled from your own home.
  • sent to exile, was worse to most of the people than getting killed.
  • 776 B.C- Olympic games start is Olympus, Greece.
  • was a way to show and evaluate who was better.
  • people traveled for hundreds of miles to compete in the Olympic games. 
  • to win the Olympics would be the highlight of a man's life. 
  • Isagorious- Another Greek aristocrat. 
  • Turned outside Athens to Spartans for fighting needs.
  • All rich get expelled from Greece eventually. 
  • Spartans had the most power and took over Greece. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today in class we were learning more about the ancient Greeks. I learned about Socrates who was one of the best known even to this day philosophers and did a lot to increase the spread of the Greek way and civilization. Also, there were many other icons that helped the Greeks. They all worked to build the Parthenon that was located on the acropolis (a large raised piece of land) so they could see invaders. They developed a great military tactic and were able to defeat many other armies twice and three times the size and sometimes even the ability of them. One of the things that was difficult for them was their location because 3/4 of their land is covered by mountains, so they divided into small nations which they called city states.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today in class i had to make up a test that i missed on Monday when I was sick. On the test we were allowed to use our books because Mr. Schick did not want the people who took it Monday to go on different websites and cheat while he was not there and there was a sub. On the test, we had to know about the different civilizations in and around Greece. Also, we had to know about the types of government including monarchy, oligarchy, and others. Then, I had to know about the seas that surround Greece, the Aegean and Ionian and that they empty out into the Mediterranean sea. Mediterranean back then originally meant middle because they believed it was located in the middle of the world. It is close, but not directly in the middle, but its the best they could do because they were not very advanced in the science field of study yet.

Monday, February 25, 2013


I was not in class today because i was sick.

Class today

Today in class we took a couple more notes. Here are some of the notes i took in class today:
- Athens had an Oligarchy type of government.
- Athens grew to be very wealthy and powerful because of trading routes.
- Made wine, olive oil, weapons, pottery, and had jobs like metal workers and silver smiths.
- Standard of living goes up with wealth and population began to rise higher then ever before because people had enough money to raise a family now and pay for it.
- Aristocrats- People who own land.
- Demos- Middle class workers, usually for the aristocrats, sort of like slaves.
- Political power extended to all male citizens creating democracy.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in class we went over Sparta and Athens. Here are some of the note i took during our class time today:
- Hoplites are soldiers in the Greek society.
- Learned how to march in efficient lines so they could be successful in military combat.
- Usually 150 people in each line.
- 3 kinds of government:
Monarchy- kings rule. sons take over.
Oligarchy- group of people in charged.
Tyranny- Ruled by a dictator.
Democracy- Ruled by a majority of the male population. They voted.
- Sparta were isolationist.
- A dictator was usually pretty mean.
- Agora- a place where everyone meets to make new laws.
- Sparta was a Oligarchy.
- Laconia- Peloponnese
- Thus the Sparta government was a leading example of Oligarchy.
- Spartan male life was dictated entirely to the service of the state.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mr. Schicks boring lecture.

Today in class Mr. Schick taught us again, and then Ben taught us the other half of class. It was a double mod, so we got a lot done because there was a lot of time. Here are some of the notes I took in class today:
- By 4000 B.C farming and village life has spread through Europe.
- The European barbarians eventually had become the Greeks.
- Around 800 B.C the Greeks had just started civilizing themselves.
- We go by the Greek calendar, but the Jewish people still go  by their own calendar.
- Languages evolving turned into Greek and Latin.
- farming, metalwork, trade, and warfare are what the people did.
- Greek civilizations was the first to evolve in Europe.
- Greeks were considered Western.
- Minoans drew wealth from the seas and trade with Mediterranean lands, especially Egypt.
- Minoans located on the island of Crete.
- Commerce= trade.
- colonies made for trading.
- Greeks and Phonecians lead commercial  and sea faring nation.

LO-1 blog

Barbarian- A person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person. (war like and aggressive)
Megalithic- A stone of great size, especially in ancient construction work.
Tribe- a division of some other people.
Indo- European- A large, widespread family of languages.
Western- directed or proceeding toward the west.

     The Greeks had started out their civilization like those of the barbarians. Their lives factored around things such as warfare and protecting themselves, and also farming so they could feed the large amount of people they had. The Greeks advanced because they went to other advanced civilizations and learned things from them. They encountered those of the Asia minor, Mesopotamia, and even Egypt all of which have become very successful at this time. Lands were shared between civilizations by the Mediterranean, which forced the civilization to communicate with one another. Italy were the most innovators of warfare, and competed to be the best at what they did. Since Greece was so barbaric, they fought to get control over the most they possible could. It took civilization to spread up until the rise of the Persian empire. Besides the western hemisphere, all of the other regions of the world were still living in prehistoric villages and lifestyles. Europeans used megalithic structures, so it would take more to defeat them, because they were for ceremonies and monuments for people of importance. Stonehenge was a  very impressive structure built, made up of 160 boulders and each of them weighing 50 tons each. Migrations of the Indo- Europeans caused the Barbarians to have a distinctive way of life. from 2500 B.C on people from Europe were starting to move into Asia minor and even Persia. The languages spoke here came from bases of Latin and Greek, and even today, we can realize just how many of these languages evolved from Latin because words are similar or easy to guess in the languages. They had a different type of way to remember those of their family who had died. They worshiped the God's of fatherhood, thunder, metalworking, and war. Tribes had chiefs so they could be run. All the people of the tribe shared common beliefs, and this was a place for them to get together with people like them. The Aegean encounter was when all the people along the Mediterranean sea were selling and trading many different things. Greek culture was influenced heavily by surrounding areas and civilizations that brought new ideas to them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Today in class some of the groups began to present their power points that we have been working on for a while during class and a little bit for homework. The groups that went today were covering everything from the Geography of Greece, to the dark ages, and even the Peloponnese wars. The geography of Greece was rigid and made it pretty difficult to unite all of the parts of Greece together. The Mycenaean were so successful because they controlled all trade along the Mediterranean.  They called the sea that, because they believed it was in the middle of the world. Therefore it means middle. The Mycenaeans eventually go on and beat many other civilizations making them less of a threat to others. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

day 2 of power point

Today in class we were still working on power points on Google drive we have been working on today and yesterday. Me and Mary got very far, and Mr. Schick told us we did a very good job so far. Then i found out that I was doing all the wrong information because I was doing all of the notes from LO2 chapter 2, in stead of LO2 chapter 1. After that we got a a short break and i went out and talked to friends. Then we came back and began to work again. This is when i fixed my work from the wrong LO2. Mr. Schick helped me and Mary get all caught up again.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today in class we had a double mod and Mr. Schick was not there. During both of the mods we worked on the power points we had started. Me and Mary split up the work and she started her writing and power point pages on LO1 and i started the geography page. I got a lot of work done and learned some new things about the ancient Greek geography. Like the way it was so hard to unite them because there is a mountain range that runs right down the center of Greece and the oceans and seas around it made it hard for them to be connected.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ancient Greece. 2200 B.C- 400 B.C

Today in class we started learning about Greece. Here are some of the notes I took in class:

  • The acropolis- Rock outcropping which  was the highest point in Athens, Greece. 
  • Can see everything from the top of the acropolis. 
  • Parthenon is built on the acropolis. 
  • 3500 B.C- Megalithic structures constructed in Europe. 
  •  2500 B.C- Indo- European nomads from the steppes migrate into Europe; European barbarians (war like) way of life evolves.
  • 1600 B.C- Greek fortified settlements along the Aegean develop Mycenaean civilizations. 
  • Barbarians lived in tribes. Indo- Europeans descent who eventually came into contact with the civilizations of the east. 
  • Stone hedge, in England, was built with massive stone boulders and arranged according to solar and lunar cycles. 
  • organized enough to establish cultural rituals and built megaliths. 

                                                         GREECE GEOGRAPHY:

  • Mountainous Peninsula. 
  • Mountains cover 3/4.
  • Approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. 
  • Location shaped it's culture. 
  • Skilled sailors. 
  • Poor natural resources.
  • Difficult to unite the Greeks because of the terrain; Developed small, independent communities.
  • The sea between Greece and Turkey is the Aegean Sea. The sea between Italy and Greece is the Ionian Sea. Crete was one of the islands. 
  • Both emptied out into the Mediterranean Sea.